heey guys,
i got my ipod and computer taken away so i wont be on msn, fb or anything really, im not sure how long it will be so i'm sorry.
Welcome to my blog. you shall get a taste into my life if you chose to read this, if not its yooour problem (:

Eunice & Moi <3
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Monday bluees
ughhhh its monday which means another week in the hell hole that they call a school.
school wouldnt be so bad if my school had some fuckin WINDOWS, it was orignal supposed to be used as like some detention center thingg...creepy much...maybe i can convince my mom to let me stay home on friday since its her birthday. i'll make her coffee, and breakfast in bed so she cant say no. or atleast let me stay home half a day :)
school wouldnt be so bad if my school had some fuckin WINDOWS, it was orignal supposed to be used as like some detention center thingg...creepy much...maybe i can convince my mom to let me stay home on friday since its her birthday. i'll make her coffee, and breakfast in bed so she cant say no. or atleast let me stay home half a day :)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Park disaster
kay so back from the weekend at my dads, i had to help watch my 3 year old sister cause my step moms father died :(
kaaay so i took her and my bro to the park and my bro goes and throws sand in my fuckin hair so not cool but all was good when my sis took attack on him for it for the next 30 min she was throwing sand at him and slapping him :) ... kay but she wasnt all good evertime she would see a dog she would take off and chase the damn thing -_-"
kaaay so i took her and my bro to the park and my bro goes and throws sand in my fuckin hair so not cool but all was good when my sis took attack on him for it for the next 30 min she was throwing sand at him and slapping him :) ... kay but she wasnt all good evertime she would see a dog she would take off and chase the damn thing -_-"
Saturday, September 25, 2010
sadness hits again :(
k so nearly 3 months ago my grandma died. and today my step-grandfather died.
sometimes life can be so curl but they say everything happens for a reason, nothing u can do about it.
sometimes life can be so curl but they say everything happens for a reason, nothing u can do about it.
Movies && Partyy
lol yesterday was awesome. kay so i went to the movies with a bunch of my friends on the bus ride there some old dude was like staring at me he was all like O.O like ligit it was sooo creepy the this hot dude in front of me he was like 19 he was like staring at my boobs for like the whole ride which made me feel akward cause he was with his girlfriend or so i think anywayyys back on topic when i got there i chilled with my bff Eunice in indigo as we were heading to silvercity our friends Marie, Courtney, Aneta and Taylor pull up and they all get outta the car but taylor she was stuckkk xD it took her like 5 min to figure out how to open the door and none of use noticed we just started walking away. after we get all our popcorn and find a spot we relize my other bff Jessica isnt here yet so we save her and her friends some seats so they stumble in the theater like 5 min after the movie started and Jessica goes and trips like 5 times up the stairs xD and her friend yogita is like laughing really loud it was so funny, i had a water bottle and Jessica threw it at some girls head it wasss soooo funny then Eunice kept throwing popcorn at me and Jessica and i was throwing it at Jessica and Yogita then we threw popcorn at people infront of us and the friken threw it backkkk. Yogita would not shut up during the movie she was making funny nosies and like everyone in the theater told her to SHUT UP. After the movie Jessica, Yogita, Reema, and myself went back to jessicas house, she took us on the wrong bus so we had to walk from young & clark to her house on johnson street it was like 30 min away. once we arrived at her house we broke the toster, the fridge, and the microwave (don't ask how, we just did). We then proceeded to go play on the trampoline which a happened to fall off 2 times and almost fell off multiple times at about 5;30 we went to jessica's room and yelled at random people on the street. all in all it was a really funnn day, hope to do it all again soon
ugh life is so not supposed to be this complicated
kay so me and my friends WERE supposed to go to wonderland today but my mom told me no last night but then i convinced her but my friends made new plans so wonderland is a no go like god so now we r arguing on msn and have been since 9;00am
Woot got my blog up
k so this is my first blog so dont be hatin if you dont like it kay thanks :)
sooo i shall talk about me, my friends and Vampire diaries, Twilight, True blood
they are all awesome.
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