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Eunice & Moi <3
Sunday, October 17, 2010
OMG last night i went to halloween haunt at wonderland with Eunice, Aneta, Courtney, and Taylor. It was the funnest shit ever. Kay so Halloween Haunt starts at 7pm and ends at 12am so thats 4 hours of walking around on top of that me and Eunice went to Wonderland at 11:00am so we were walking around for 13 hours straight -_-. Eunice an I went on the rides all day then at 7 we met up with Aneta, Courtney and Taylor but as we are waiting for them to get there Eunice and I are walking around the front where all the "scary" people are waiting to chase you and stuff so Eunice is like shitting her pants and about every five minutes or so she would run into the souvenir shop where the monsters arnt aloud to go xD finally Aneta, Courtney and Taylor arrive and we go in The Asylum its basicly and insane asylum you go into and walk around and people jump out and scare the shit outta you well in our group of 5 i was on the end and everyone but me and Courtney were scared so Aneta, Eunice and Taylor are holding on to us for there life and being on the end every one was like poping out in my face and i was being pushed into walls and beds at the end of the maze Eunice, Taylor and Aneta RUN outta it screammmmmming there asses off it was sooo funny so we go to sit down and were talking then all of a sudden BOOM a wolf person thing ? comes outta no where behind us and starts CHASING all of us of course im just standing there LAUGHING SO HARD i almost fell to the ground laughingggg. After The asylum we went to Club Blood its like a Vampire club and it was sooo pretty and cool but of course i was on the end again but this time they pushed me into a crouching vampire (we had no clue he was there) and i fuckin kneed him in the facee it was soo funny but i felt so bad. A bit later on in the night we are walking around and we see a scary clown (Courtney, Taylor an myself are scared of them) and he starts chasing Courtney and Taylor so im like GRABING on to Euncie like really tight and the clown comes back up and sees me acting all scared and starts to come after me so i screeeeeam and RUN and of course Eunice is giving the freaking thing a high five -_- . we go into a maze called corn stalkers and it was so long and dark and scary like u could barley see and at the end a dude with a fucking chainsaw jumps out at u :S ... OMMMMG kay so theres this clown maze that i went it it was soooo fucking scary and it was like 3D which makes it scarier and there was this one clown in a both thing and i was like on the opposite side of him and he seen me pressing up on the wall so Eunice tells him im scared so he comes out and like attacks me then there was this other clown that pointed at me and like started chasing me by the end of the maze and at the very end of it there was one outside the exit waiting to scare me so i RANNNN and like 2 were like following/chasing me out i almost pissed myself. After Courtney, Taylor and Aneta leave me and euncie go back to one called mother noose and we are like the only ones in there so like every single person was jumping out at us it was so scary and in this on maze kingdom of carnage this one guy jumps out at us we scream and keep walking then hes like following us and all we hear is I'M RIGHT BEHIND U in our ears and we turn around and hes was like so close to use we like screamed and rann. kay so i can go on and on but i wont. overall it was really fun/scary night we went in 9 outta 10 mazes
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