Category: TV Series
The CW has posted a webclip for The Sacrifice, this week’s brand new episode of The Vampire Diaries. Here we have a rather intense conversation between Elena, Damon, and Stefan…
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Tyler (Michael Trevino) will finally wolf out during the Dec. 9 episode. If you think the wait for new episodes will be torturous, the transformation period will be even more torturous for Tyler. “We’ll learn a lot about the mythology and the rules of the transformation over the next two episodes before we actually see it,” says Plec. “You’ll learn that while it gets a little bit easier the more you do it, the first time is not easy.” She adds that the show will not shy away from that painful process. “We wanted to show that in its entirety and really make the most of that because it’s a very, very difficult thing that Tyler is going have to go through and we wanted the audience to be able to experience it with him for the first time.”
“I don’t want to be the guy who sets up fantasy dinners and asks a bunch of rich people for money,” says Somerhalder. “I just don’t know that world, I don’t relate to it, and I don’t want to. It’s so much easier for a million people to donate a little tiny bit, then to get 100 people to donate a lot. What’s really exciting for me in the inspiration realm, is to see kids, people who are going through a rough time or people who have found a tough spot they can’t get out of – to see them become inspired again. It’s the best feeling in the world.”
The roles aren’t without their challenges: she admits that she sometimes struggles to understand Katherine’s motivations, especially her die-hard love for Stefan.“I honestly don’t even know [why she loves him],” Dobrev says sheepishly. “They tell me that when I play Katherine, ‘Oh, she loves Stefan.’ ‘Oh, really? Why?’ ‘Don’t worry about it. She just loves Stefan.’ That’s what they tell me. I have to make up my own backstory and hope that it’s right.”
“I called my mom, and she and I translated it,” Dobrev said of the Bulgarian dialogue in the episode titled Katerina.“I think the writers had used an internet translator and it was so funny. All those online translators are never right. So we did it. I translated my own dialogue, but I called my mom just to confirm I was right.
“Our challenge is, how can we use Jenna in stronger ways, so that the fact that she’s oblivious is helping us with our storytelling and with her relationship with Alaric? How can we build a story out of Matt being stuck between wanting to be with Caroline but becoming very suspicious of the friendship that’s been brewing between Caroline and Tyler? We love those characters [Matt and Jenna]. Everyday, we say this should be the episode where Jenna finds out just so she can finally get a good storyline, and then we have to talk ourselves off of that because the impact of that for the series is a little bit scary. Who knows? It could happen two episodes from now, or two seasons from now. It’s hard to say.”
Would you say that’s also been the most challenging thing about playing this role? Or is there something else you find more challenging?
Yeah. That definitely ups the ante when you’ve got a lot of emotional things going on and then you’ve got to bring in the physical things that are now on top of everything. The other thing that I think is a constant challenge is kind of reminding yourself of all the little nuances of vampires and what they’re susceptible to doing and becoming. Whether it’s your heightened emotions all the time or getting used to your attack face. That’s always one that I’m still adapting to is remembering my attack face.
When I asked that inevitable love connection question, they played coy for a moment before Accola gave me a little hint of what’s to come.“What I think is so wonderful about any romantic relationship, in my opinion, there’s usually some sort of friendship that starts that off,” she says. “Who knows what’ll happen throughout the rest of the season, but as of right now, I think it’s a beautiful parallel for both of these characters that are kind of embarking on this new part of their lives in such an extreme supernatural way.”“He gets to know Caroline a little better and has somebody there,” Trevino tells me.
The mystery of Klaus and when we’ll see Klaus is going to be the same question of ‘When will we see Katherine?’ from last season. We’re gonna learn a lot about him and be hopefully very afraid of him before we ever lay eyes on him. That’s gonna be a nice, big, long healthy tease. It’s so funny, the way we dropped the bomb of his name last episode [Rose said The Originals, the oldest vampires, will be coming for Elena, and they'll be doing it for him, Klaus], Kevin and I were laughing. We’re like, the book fans are gonna lose their freakin’ minds in this moment, and the rest of America is gonna go, ‘Huh… Alright. Who’s that?’ [Laughs] But it’s one of those moments that you’re like, I don’t care because I know the million book fans are gonna be so excited that it’s worth it.”