Klaus is late-20′s to mid-30′s. He’s handsome, charming, intelligent, with a sharp wit. He’s the only person who can out-Damon Damon. That’s because he’s got a thousand years on him. Klaus is one of the Originals. Possibly the oldest. But you’d never know it because he keeps up with the times.

So what do you guys think? Sure, let casting speculation begin, but what do you hope Klaus brings to the TVD Party?
But rather than just play the dreamcasting game (which is a blast, don’t get us wrong), we’re more interested in speculating what this character’s arrival is going to do to Team Badass. Mark our words – things are going to get ugly in Mystic Falls.
Who is Klaus in the books?
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Julie Plec had this to say about Rose dropping Klaus’ name in the final moments of episode 208:
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Julie Plec had this to say about Rose dropping Klaus’ name in the final moments of episode 208:
The mystery of Klaus and when we’ll see Klaus is going to be the same question of ‘When will we see Katherine?’ from last season. We’re gonna learn a lot about him and be hopefully very afraid of him before we ever lay eyes on him. That’s gonna be a nice, big, long healthy tease. It’s so funny, the way we dropped the bomb of his name last episode [Rose said The Originals, the oldest vampires, will be coming for Elena, and they'll be doing it for him, Klaus], Kevin and I were laughing. We’re like, the book fans are gonna lose their freakin’ minds in this moment, and the rest of America is gonna go, ‘Huh… Alright. Who’s that?’ [Laughs] But it’s one of those moments that you’re like, I don’t care because I know the million book fans are gonna be so excited that it’s worth it.”
And she was right! In the Vampire Diaries book series, Klaus is actually Katherine’s maker and, as is par for the course with the TV series, they’ve switched it up to keep book fans guessing. In the show, Katherine essentially makes herself, after tricking Rose into giving her blood; her history with Klaus is now much, much different. In the books, Klaus is the Big Bad of book 4, Dark Reunion, come to wreak merry havoc on Fell’s Church, Virginia (because he was apparently quite bored). Tall, Nordic-looking, powerful, charismatic, and creepy as hell, the Klaus of the books claims to be carrying a bronze ax in his earliest memories. He makes passing references to the fall of Rome, fighting with Alexander’s army, and being in the Trojan War, so you know he’s old. He also brags a lot, but what makes him scary is that his follow-through on said boasts isexcellent. Also, he’s so insane he’s wrapped back ’round to sane again, if you can imagine that. (L.J. Smith once stated that she based the character on Rutger Hauer in The Hitcher, possibly one of the greatest horror movies of the eighties.) He also has a penchant for quoting poetry (Kipling, Auden, Housman, and Roethke) and has a soft spot for fifties music (see if you can ever listen to The Spaniels’ “Goodnight, Sweetheart, Goodnight” the same way again after readingDark Reunion).
Why do we love Klaus?
Because he kicks the Salvatores’ asses – repeatedly, and without prejudice. Klaus is the epitome of hopelessness in Dark Reunion. Even Damon – DAMON! – acknowledges that to fight Klaus is to lose. (And Klaus brings out the best in the eldest Salvatore brother, we’ve gotta say. It’s not often Damon isn’t the biggest badass in town.) While we know by now not to get too attached to the book versions of characters – the show has fully become its own entity – we’re still incredibly excited about the possibilities Klaus’ arrival brings to Mystic Falls. He may be different (and that includes physical appearance), but we’re fairly certain that his capacity for straight-up evil will translate intact.
Because he kicks the Salvatores’ asses – repeatedly, and without prejudice. Klaus is the epitome of hopelessness in Dark Reunion. Even Damon – DAMON! – acknowledges that to fight Klaus is to lose. (And Klaus brings out the best in the eldest Salvatore brother, we’ve gotta say. It’s not often Damon isn’t the biggest badass in town.) While we know by now not to get too attached to the book versions of characters – the show has fully become its own entity – we’re still incredibly excited about the possibilities Klaus’ arrival brings to Mystic Falls. He may be different (and that includes physical appearance), but we’re fairly certain that his capacity for straight-up evil will translate intact.
Why should you be excited if you haven’t read the books?
They have to top Katherine. There’s no way around it. And Katherine is possibly the best TV villain to grace our screens since… Um, we can’t even remember the last TV villain that rocked this hard. Lucia of Heroine TV once said that if Katherine was a James Bond villain, James Bond would be dead; the womandelivers on her promises/threats. Her alphabet of plans has more than 26 letters. It’s not enough to make Klaus – as one of our Twitter followers put it – the Chuck Norris of the TVD universe (“you don’t find Klaus, he finds you”); we must believeinstantly that Katherine is afraid of him. His cruelty must make Katherine look like a (very naughty) Girl Scout. We’ve become accustomed to our villains being gray on Vampire Diaries – as Memory Lane and Katerina implied, even Katherine has her moments of tenderness – but Klaus has to walk into town and raze everything to the ground. This is going to be the ultimate game of Survivor – Outwit. Outlast. Outplay. Outlive. Katherine’s been doing it for 500 years; Team Badass is going to get the ultimate crash course.
They have to top Katherine. There’s no way around it. And Katherine is possibly the best TV villain to grace our screens since… Um, we can’t even remember the last TV villain that rocked this hard. Lucia of Heroine TV once said that if Katherine was a James Bond villain, James Bond would be dead; the womandelivers on her promises/threats. Her alphabet of plans has more than 26 letters. It’s not enough to make Klaus – as one of our Twitter followers put it – the Chuck Norris of the TVD universe (“you don’t find Klaus, he finds you”); we must believeinstantly that Katherine is afraid of him. His cruelty must make Katherine look like a (very naughty) Girl Scout. We’ve become accustomed to our villains being gray on Vampire Diaries – as Memory Lane and Katerina implied, even Katherine has her moments of tenderness – but Klaus has to walk into town and raze everything to the ground. This is going to be the ultimate game of Survivor – Outwit. Outlast. Outplay. Outlive. Katherine’s been doing it for 500 years; Team Badass is going to get the ultimate crash course.
Our big questions:
- Is Klaus really interested in breaking the Curse of the Sun and the Moon?
- So far we know stakes don’t kill Originals. But they are affected by vervain and it’s been implied that even Originals aren’t fond of werewolves, though it’s unclear if a werewolf bite will affect them as it does a run-of-the-mill vampire. In short, what weapons will be needed to truly take on an Original?
- How will Klaus be different from Elijah? Elijah’s a pretty smooth operator; how is Klaus going to make him look like a Girl Scout? What powers does he have that would make even Elijah defer to him?
- Elijah didn’t seems surprised that Katherine wasn’t in the tomb. Has Klaus been stalking Katherine for the past century and a half, just like Katherine has been stalking Stefan?
- We’ve learned Katherine’s origin story. How epic will his be? Or do we even want to know?
Will he be wearing a dirty trenchcoat?!- Per the casting call, is Klaus really only around a thousand years old, or was that just a way of saying “he’s really freaking old”?
- Okay, seriously, who’s going to be badass enough to play Klaus?
So what do you guys think? Sure, let casting speculation begin, but what do you hope Klaus brings to the TVD Party?
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